Tag: stage III
Breast Cancer Stage 3
Bladder Cancer Stage 3
Diffuse Large B-Cell Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 3
Stage 3 Diffuse Large B-Cell Non Hodgkin Lymphoma is when the cancer is affecting areas on both sides of your diaphragm. Tap “Watch Now” for an easy-to-understand overview of Stage 3 Diffuse Large B-Cell Non Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer Follicular Stage 3
Stage 3 Follicular Lymphoma is when cancer has spread to the lymph nodes on both sides of your diaphragm. Tap “Watch Now” for an easy-to-understand overview of Stage 3 Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Pancreatic Cancer Stage 3
With a Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer diagnosis, your Dr. will decide the right mix and/or sequencing of the treatments below to achieve the best results for you. Familiarize yourself with the Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer treatment options below and then Click Create My Conversation Guide to prepare a list of questions for your doctor. Always… Continue reading Pancreatic Cancer Stage 3
Prostate Cancer Early Stage 3
Stage 3 Prostate Cancer is divided into 3 stages called 3A, 3B and 3C. Stage 3 Prostate Cancer refers to a locally advanced cancer, which means the cancer cells have spread from the site in which they were first found. Understanding your Stage 3 Prostate Cancer diagnosis will help you and your doctors make the… Continue reading Prostate Cancer Early Stage 3
Rectal Cancer Stage 3
Stage 3 Rectal Cancer is divided into Stages 3A, 3B and 3C. In this Stage, the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, but hasn’t spread to distant body parts. Understanding your Stage 3 Rectal Cancer diagnosis will help you partner with your doctors to make the best treatment choice for you. Tap “Watch Now”… Continue reading Rectal Cancer Stage 3
Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Stage 3
A Stage 3 Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) diagnosis is treated in different ways, depending on the extent of the disease. At stage 3, the lung cancer has affected lymph nodes or nearby structures, but it has not spread to other organs. Take time to familiarize yourself with the common Stage 3 non-small cell lung… Continue reading Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell Stage 3
Colon Cancer Stage 3
Stage 3 Colon Cancer means that your tumor has affected some layers of your colon and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Familiarize yourself with Stage 3 Colon Cancer treatment options below and then Click Create My Conversation Guide to prepare a list of questions to discuss with your doctor. Always remember, the more you… Continue reading Colon Cancer Stage 3