To help you better understand your multiple myeloma cancer diagnosis and different treatment approaches available today, the XpertPatient team has created a gallery of recommended videos. Bookmark this page to refer to at anytime.

Knowing The Basics

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What is Smoldering Myeloma?

What occurs during smoldering myeloma?

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Understanding Myeloma Treatment Types

What are the types of treatment available for myeloma?

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What Are the Phases of Myeloma Treatment?

Myeloma specialist Dr. Mark Schroeder explains the phases of myeloma treatment, defining induction, consolidation, and maintenance therapy for patients with myeloma.

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Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Treatment, and Patient Care

Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell.

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What Causes Multiple Myeloma?

Learn how an abnormal growth of plasma cells can lead to the formation of multiple myeloma

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How is Multiple Myeloma Diagnosed and What Testing is Necessary After?

What testing is involved in multiple myeloma diagnosis and treatment?

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What Are the Beginning Stages of Multiple Myeloma (MM)?

What happens in early stages of multiple myeloma?

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How is Multiple Myeloma Staged?

Watch as expert Dr. Abdullah Khan explains staging and its use, and myeloma patient and Empowerment Lead Lisa Hatfield shares how the use of staging and its factors have evolved over time.

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What is Myeloma?

Find out about what myeloma is, how it starts, symptoms, and how your specialist plans the best treatment for you.

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Understanding MGUS, Smoldering and Multiple Myeloma

What is the difference between smoldering myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)?

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Signs, Symptoms and Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

Understanding the fundamentals of multiple myeloma is key to finding the best possible treatment options.