I'd Like to Learn More About My Diagnosis
- Is this type of cancer common? Is it curable?
- How many patients have you treated with Active Multiple Myeloma?
- What additional tests do I need before deciding on my treatment?
- Who should I see for a second opinion?
- Is my family at risk of getting Active Multiple Myeloma?
- Can you recommend a counselor for me/ my family.
- Can Multiple Myeloma be hereditary? Should I see a genetic counselor?
- What's the difference between Smoldering and Active Multiple Myeloma?
I'd Like to Know More About My Treatment Options
- What are my treatment options and how do they compare?
- Do you have patients in clinical trials?
- What can I do to increase my chances to respond to treatment?
- What can I do to prevent or relieve any side effects?
- What happens if I want to get pregnant during or after the treatment?
- Are there any clinical trials available to me locally?
- Will I need a special diet after treatment?
Who Can Help Pay For My Treatment?
- Who else can help me pay for my treatment?
- Who can help me while I'm on treatment for Housing, Childcare, Transportation Assistance?