I'd Like to Learn More About My Diagnosis
- Is this type of cancer common? Is it curable?
- How many patients with this type of prostate cancer have you treated
- Can you show me exactly where the prostate cancer is?
- What additional tests do I need before deciding on my treatment?
- Who should I see for a second opinion?
- Are there communities for prostate cancer I can be a part of?
- Is my family at risk of getting prostate cancer?
- Who should I speak with about a diet and exercise plan?
- Can you recommend a counselor for me/ my family.
- What is my Gleason Score and what does it mean? Does it affect treatment options?
- What is PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) and how does it affect my diagnosis and treatment options?
- Why does testosterone have to be measured in some cases?
- How will treatment affect my sex life?
- Will I be able to have children in the future?
I'd Like to Know More About My Treatment Options
- How do my age, health and other factors affect my treatment goals and options?
- What are the benefits and risks of each treatment option?
- How often have you prescribed this treatment before?
- How long will I be on this treatment?
- What side effects can I expect, when and for how long?
- Will I have any lifestyle restrictions? Work, dietary or exercise?
- What can I do to increase my chances to respond to treatment?
- What can I do to prevent or relieve any side effects?
- What happens if I want to get pregnant during or after the treatment?
Who Can Help Pay For My Treatment?
- Who else can help me pay for my treatment?
- Who can help me while I'm on treatment for Housing, Childcare, Transportation Assistance?
My Questions/Notes
Image shows common location for this cancer type. Please ask your Dr. about your diagnosis.