Tag: bladder cancer
Bladder Cancer Stage 3
Bladder Cancer Stage 2
Bladder Cancer Stage 1
Bladder Cancer Video Library
To help you better understand your bladder cancer diagnosis and different treatment approaches available today, the XpertPatient team has created a gallery of recommended videos. Bookmark this page to refer to at anytime.
Bladder Cancer Stage 0
Bladder Cancer Stage 4
A Stage 4 Bladder Cancer treatment approach depends upon if the cancer has spread from your bladder to either the wall of your abdomen or pelvis; to certain lymph nodes or has spread to other parts of your body, such as the lung, liver, or bone. Familiarize yourself with the common Stage 4 Bladder Cancer treatment… Continue reading Bladder Cancer Stage 4
Bladder Cancer Stage 3
Stage 3 Bladder Cancer means that the cancer has spread to the area around your bladder or to one lymph node, but it has not spread to any distant organs. With a Stage 3 Bladder Cancer diagnosis, your treatment should be started as soon as possible to help reduce your symptoms and slow down the… Continue reading Bladder Cancer Stage 3
Bladder Cancer Stage 2
A Stage 2 Bladder Cancer diagnosis is highly treatable if diagnosis is made early. At Stage 2, the Bladder Cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the bladder. The cancer has not spread to lymph nodes, distant organs or any area close to your bladder. Familiarize yourself with the common Stage 2 Bladder Cancer… Continue reading Bladder Cancer Stage 2
Bladder Cancer Stage 1
A Stage 1 Bladder Cancer diagnosis is highly curable if treatment is started early. At Stage 1, your Bladder Cancer has spread past the inner lining of your bladder but your cancer has not spread to the muscle layer of the bladder, distant organs or any area close to your bladder. Familiarize yourself with the… Continue reading Bladder Cancer Stage 1